- When passing in the hall "Mom, you look like a Chinese girl."
- Ww were watching a Rachael Ray cooking show where she was making meatloaf, and had put crackers in a food processor to make into crumbs. You watched in awe then said "Awe, she's making a cracker smoothie."
- You were bringing in the eggs from the chickens (your favorite thing in the world to do) and came to the door exclaiming "Mom, we got 5 eggs!" but you only had 4 in your hands. I said "No, that's only 4 eggs." You got this annoyed look on your face and said "I know mom, I could only carry 4 at a time...I don't have 5 hands ya know." I just smiled since it sounded like something you may have picked up from me, when you turned around and said "I wish I had a million hands. But they would cover my whole body."
- "I wish my name was L and then E."
- "Don't worry mom, we'll be little kids when we're grown-up"
- When we got home from Trick or Treating you said "All right, let's check for drugs."
- "Mom, I had a dream that our house was full of snow."
- You hunkered down and made sure that we didn't have any candles burning in our pumpkins before we left for trick or treating. We didn't carve pumpkins this year.
- You are famous for telling me a completely random story about animals or school or something off the wall then will say "Anyways, that reminds me. I'm hungry."
- You came up to me and said "Did you know that the structure of jellyfishes is mainly made of water?"
- While at Subway, you looked down at your sandwich and said "Mom, is this salad or feathers?"
- Calling an elevator an alligator
- "If you kill someone that is really rude."
- You went to the dermatologist to have a mole on your head checked, and when the dr asked you if you had a freckle on your head you said "No, it's just sand!"
- You had on your footie jammies and came in my room saying ow and pointing to your foot with a quizzical look on your face. I unzipped your jams and found a plastic monkey, a plastic horse, 2 leapster games and a toothbrush.
- You call any drink "Milt."
- You are OBSESSED with throwing balls. Daddy is so proud.
- You are un such a fun stage right now. You love wrestling, you love being right in the middle of any and all chaos.
- You were playing in the McDonalds Playland (aka Satan's lair) and a 5ish year old boy came up and pushed you really hard. Mom sent dad over to save you, or else a complete strangers 5 year old boy would have gotten a bare bum spankin by mama bear.
I am ROLLING about these comments!!! Why are kids so funny?
Hahahahaha, these are always my favorite!!!!
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