Thursday, September 17, 2009

Status Updates

It's been a while since my last post, and as there are things going on constantly, we haven't done anything super exciting. So, here are some updates on my favorite puddin-faces in the world:


  • LOVES bugs. Daddy has a very expensive, very detailed book on bugs that Ellie will fall asleep with on a lot of nights because she LOVES looking at them. Needless to say the very expensive book is now wrinkled, ripped and some of the pages stick together (so I let her eat a PB&H sandwich while looking at it, ok?!)
  • Loves squishing bugs
  • Loves robots (what am I, raising a dude here?!)
  • Dosen't love Ratatouille
  • Is turning into the "Heather" of the relationship. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVED being bossed around by Heather growing up, and now I can see that in Ellie and Reese's relationship.
  • Weighs 34.3 lbs
  • Really, really hates getting flu shots
  • When asked to clean she tells me she is "weally, weally tired" Ok, so maybe she is the "Hillary" of the relationship, I don't know.
  • Is very loveable and gets excited by the simple things in life-flocks of birds, a butterfly, cheetos.


  • Also, LOVES bugs.
  • Dosen't love squishing them though. That is where her Knightress in Shining Armor Ellie comes into play. Reese looks at Ellie like she just saved her life when Ellie squishes a potato bug that is meandering towards her general direction.
  • Loves cereal-wants it every single morning within a minute of waking up. Yesterday I made it a special occasion and made pancakes. Reese looked at her plate and said "This isn't cereals."
  • Weighs 33.3 lbs.
  • Is definitly the tenderheart of the two...reminds me of someone...
  • Loves to say "Look what I can do" and do random things like blink her eyes, smile big, or shake her head back and forth...we are so proud of her accomplishments!
  • Is always saying "Just a little bit."-"I'm just going to go outside just a liitttllle bit" (the little is always drawn out) or I'm just going to eat Hershey syrup from the bottle a liiittttllle bit" It's adorable how she can justify anything with a "little bit."
  • Loves telling people her name is Sissy Mondragon.
  • Loves everyone and gives kisses, hugs and snuggles to prove it. Even to perfect strangers. Awww.


  • Is walking, talking and getting into EVERYTHING!
  • Loves to have her arm rubbed to get her to sleep. In exchange, when she is really tired she will rub your arms until you have matching Indian burns.
  • Really, really loves her Papa. It may have something to do with the licorice he always has in his pocket, we're not really sure.
  • Weighs 22 lbs
  • Loves helping mommy unload the dishwasher. I will stand by the silverware drawer and she will bring me the silverware one piece at a time (I've removed the sharp knives before this takes place...what kind of a mother do you think I am?!)
  • When anyone raises their voice around her (which NEVER happens in this house!) her little bottom lip automatically sticks out and she is ready for the tears.
  • Loves bracelets, shoes, socks and phones...she is a true lady.
  • Is the most cuddly bug around.


  • Is about 7 weeks old
  • Is the size of a pea
  • Will be a freshman when his/her sisters will be seniors and a junior.
  • Is making his/her mommy and daddy very happy and very nervous at the same time.
  • Is making his/her daddy buy his/her mommy a new, bigger vehicle as to fit him/her in.
  • Better be a boy for his/her daddy's sake.
  • Is completing our family-we can't wait to see you in June Baby Mondragon-we already love you so much!