Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Let's Jam

There are several sounds that remind me of spring...birds chirpping, lawnmowers getting revved up for their first mow of the season, and jam jars popping to let you know that all that hard work you just did is sealed and the deal is done. I don't know if there is such a satisfying feeling as knowing that after hours of slaving over a hot stove, and covering most of your belongings in red sticky goo, that the end result is something delicious that you can enjoy throughout the year. Putting up my own jam makes me feel like I am a 1950's housewife, or a pioneer or something. I feel like I am not only preserving fresh fruit, I am preserving a lost art that I hope to some day teach my girls. So, here's to another year of peanut butter and jam sandwiches!


Luke and Tina said...

I totally agree with you on that. Nothing is better than homemade jam!!

Heather said...

Please reserve a bottle or two for me! I have not have a PB and J since my jam ran out months ago. Doesn't that make you feel so sad for your sister, who just so happens to love PB more than anyone else in the world???

Rachel said...

I love the garden, I love the jam. There's no jam like home-made. Mmmmm! I need a garden. (It would help if Carl were the gardener! :) ) And I need to learn how to make my own jam. You giving lessons?

P.S. I need your e-mail address...I have an e-mail for you. If you post it on my blog, it won't show up. Or if you just e-mail it to me...
SO GOOD to see you last weekend.