Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hardest I've laughed in a while...

Kell and I got some dinner from KFC and I explained to the girls that the corn on the cob was too hot to eat right away and to let it cool. A few minutes later Ellie asked (very impatiently) "Mom, is my hog on the nog cool yet?!" Being 8 and 1/2 months pregnant I dang near had an accident I was laughing so hard!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How does your garden grow?

I LOVE spring for so many reasons-the perfect weather, finally getting to get the kids outside in the fresh air, watching tulips pop up. But, my favorite thing about spring is watching Kelly starts our garden. What an amazing thing to see your own food that you planted start to grow and eventually feed your family. Now, keep in mind that I put in absolutely no work into the garden except preparing the veg that he brings in by the basketful, so I am really grateful that Kell loves his garden and gives it plenty of TLC throughout the spring and summertime. I love that he is teaching the girls about gardening and how important it is to know where our food comes from. We are always trying to eat healthier and I am so glad we can just run out to the garden whenever we want something fresh and yummy to eat. This is the first year we will be canning and bottling our own salsa, pickles, pickled beets and beet juice jelly, so if any of you have any suggestions, tips or recipes please feel free to let us know!

Let's Jam

There are several sounds that remind me of spring...birds chirpping, lawnmowers getting revved up for their first mow of the season, and jam jars popping to let you know that all that hard work you just did is sealed and the deal is done. I don't know if there is such a satisfying feeling as knowing that after hours of slaving over a hot stove, and covering most of your belongings in red sticky goo, that the end result is something delicious that you can enjoy throughout the year. Putting up my own jam makes me feel like I am a 1950's housewife, or a pioneer or something. I feel like I am not only preserving fresh fruit, I am preserving a lost art that I hope to some day teach my girls. So, here's to another year of peanut butter and jam sandwiches!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cute Chicks

Hoppy Easter everyone! Hahaha....sigh....that joke gets funnier every year. P.S. One of these years we are sure we will get a pic where they are all looking at the camera and smiling. We just know if will happen...someday.